Tavin Deissa

Free Paladin of Ishgard

Male Hyur | Midlander | Crystal : Goblin


Born to Cormic and Ilsa Deissa of Gridania, he had a fairly typical upbringing until the age of 8. He was born in Gridania, near the Coerthan border, and received an education from his parents and worked on their farm as a young farmhand.

Around the age of 8, a cruel thaumaturge razed their way through the small hamlet that he lived in, along with a summoned band of voidsent. His parents sacrificed their lives in defense of their young son, enabling him to escape.

Fleeing blindly, he inadvertently crossed the Coerthan border and ran into a detachment of House Durendaire troops in pursuit of said arcanist. He directed them back, and they quickly and methodically dispatched the evil. The young boy, bereft of known family and having both been instrumental in the defeat of a heretic and surviving an attack by one, was taken in by them, delivered to Whitebrim and to a family there.

A young couple, Xavier and Jasmin Sylvestre, took the boy in and adopted him as their own. Not used to hardship, he endured quite well, having entered squirehood after a period of adjustment under House Durendaire under the tutelage of Fabien Dejardin. His own losses, coupled with the intense training, tempered the boy into a young man.

By the time he had entered adulthood, he had assimilated well into Ishgardian culture. His parents had followed Azyema, thankful for the sun to raise crops, but he quickly became a devout follower of Halone. He had become a ferocious and stalwart combatant, taking an especially keen interest in dealing with voidsent in vengeance for his own involvement with them. He became adept at riding and fighting on chocoboback and used this to great effect on the plains and hills of Coerthas, the Dravanian Forelands and Hinterlands, and even engaging in flighted combat in the Sea of Clouds along Abalathia's Spine.

Leaving Ishgard on his mission of errantry, he came to Thanalan and discovered the order of Paladins there. Upon hearing of their goal to protect, he immediately enlisted in the order, knowing that it was his destiny. As requirements to pledge themselves to the Sultanate had waned, he became a Free Paladin, traveling as he saw fit on missions of goodwill and support.

He has traveled Eorzea since, on his eternal mission of destroying voidsent wherever he finds them, helping the downtrodden and weak, and protecting his foster home of Ishgard.

Those that have witnessed him on the battlefield describe him as a bolt of unassailable rage, Halone personified, crashing steadfastly into an enemy, unyielding and tenacious. Those that have met him off the battlefield would use far less colorful language, describing him as gentle as a dove.


Anything that involves the destruction of voidsent or undead is an easy hook, though it might be a bland one.

Similarly, anything involving Ishgard is an excellent hook. He will always come to its defense against any threat.

He is a fierce and steadfast warrior, but he is also a center of calm and can provide the ice to someone's fire, helping to tutor or guide them through a tumultuous time.

Similarly, his calm and compassion can make him a suitable diplomat or negotiator, as any experienced warrior knows that the best battle won is one not fought.

Being a Free Paladin and protector of all, he regularly engages in missions of good will and compassion, distributing alms and aid to those in need.

Even something as innocuous as a chance encounter on the road or battlefield can work, though having them meet as opposing forces should be avoided.

His past connections with Ishgard can be a suitable point, perhaps from a rival house or another minor house.


Age: Approximately 28
Birthday: 16th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Married
Server: Goblin

Hair: Brown, medium-length, kept back to better fit a helmet
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Build: Muscular
Distinguishing Marks: Scars on face and body from battles and training.
Common Accessories: Holy symbol of Halone

Profession: Free Paladin, hunter of the undead, bane of voidsent.
Hobbies: Doesn’t have much free time for hobbies, though falconry is something he engages in.
Languages: Eorzean
Residence: Ishgard, but often away from home.
Birthplace: Unknown.
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Halone
Fears: Being turned into undead, failing in his mission.

Spouse: Karanokai Noykin.
Children: None, though hopefully eventually.
Parents: Biological parents deceased, adoptive parents alive.
Siblings: None known.
Other Relatives: None known.
Pets: None, though he does have an affinity for dogs.

Name: Allie
Color: Snow White
History: Allie was originally a reject. A rare snow-white chocobo, she was captured by the hunters in Tailfeather as a potential prize or gift for a noble. Unfortunately, the first noble that tried to mount her was rudely bucked off and nearly had his head kicked in by one of the bird's powerful legs. Figuring that she might not be such a grand prize after all, the trainers at the Holy Stables opted to turn her into a brood mare, figuring that such a spirited bird might produce quality offspring that were a little more receptive to training. That plan was also quickly dashed as Allie nearly pecked the eyes out of her stud and left several gashes in its body. Despairing at the situation at hand, the trainers saw young Tavin, getting close to entering adulthood and leaving Ishgard, and figured that it might get rid of the 'outsider'. He was given Allie with no mention of her history, and much to their chagrin, he mounted up flawlessly, the bird almost cooing her delight at having him around, giving a happy 'kweh!' at the young man.


You can find me in-game, obviously, or sometimes on Discord (please ask for it if interested). Other methods are potentially available depending upon what's both used.

Mature and dark themes are welcome. I do prefer a mix of different themes rather than one note stories as one-notes tend to be dull.